Hit by a car, this beautiful little dog with blue eyes could no longer move. Slumped to the ground on the side of the road, Camilla, as she was called, was completely immobilized.

The dog was rescued by some people who immediately alerted the nearest OIPA team. She was immediately conducted by OIPA volunteers at a veterinary clinic. After the first medical examination the healing possibilities seemed not good, that’s why the vet thought to euthanise her.

Because of the young age of the dog, no more than five years, and because of previous similar experience turned into positive ending, OIPA volunteers decided to give her a second chance of life.

So, with the support of OIPA volunteers of Bolzano who have offered their help, it was possible to bring her to a specialized clinic near Lodi, the S. Michele veterinary hospital.

o_1b02v96vq1l37epm1mh5163v1skjqAfter some tests, including magnetic resonance imaging, it has resulted that the dog was affected by a paralysis of the hind limbs caused by a dislocated spine. So Camilla has been subjected to a complex surgery, during which the spine was realigned, also injecting stem cells to enhance the regenerative capacity of injured tissues. This technique allows to have the best results in terms of functional recovery.

Meanwhile Camilla, who throughout her pre-operative hospital stay was sorely tried by physical suffering, is slowly recovering forces. She eats more and, thanks to the physiotherapy course, she is getting better both physically and morally. Also shows spontaneous reflections to tail and hind legs, whose motility should improve gradually thanks to physiotherapy and with the possible aid of a trolley.

camilla-crotone-bolzano-2Despite of this positive signs, unfortunately her general conditions still remain very critical, due to a severe form of leishmaniasis associated with babesiosis, a disease transmitted by ticks. These diseases still require hospitalization under close medical supervision.

Both the surgery and treatments are expensive and the OIPA volunteers are already working locally to find the resources, but they need everyone’s help.

A chain of solidarity can really make the difference in this case: it will be a concrete support to help the little Camilla to regain lost dignity.



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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650
Email: international@oipa.org

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VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

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