They would not last the night the two puppies of just over a month, abandoned along a sheep track of Bari conutryside, in the south of Italy. The little dogs were sighted by chance durign a site inspection of OIPA Animal Guards. They were exposed to a temperature of two degrees below zero, crouched next to each other in order to keep warm.

At the sight of the guards one of them began to whine for attention, while the other were limping because of a broken front paw.

Though it would be enough to sterilize the mother to save them from hunger and cold, that they have suffered for days, enduring the harsh winter temperatures.

Instead, someone has assumed the right to violate small lives, still in need of warmth and mothering. These people can only have acted behind the wall of blind ingnorance that can kill as much as the most cruel violence.

No respect for the suffering of the mother whose puppies were brutally taken away, no mercy for two innocent lives condemned to die of starvation.

Today Thelma and Louise, these are their brand new names, are safe, cared and sheltered under a heat lamp, but they still need care.

In fact, the puppy injured is still in post surgical recovery: the franctured leg has been splinted and she will have to spend at least 15 days in hospital before being discharged.

Her little sister is always beside her: the vet did not want to separate the two little sisters to avoid further trauma.

Waiting for them to getting better, OIPA Animal Guards ask for help, both to find them a good adoption, and to sustain veterinary expenses for surgical operation and their stay in the clinic.

Thelma and Louise are lively and loving, they will became medium size dogs.

If you want to support his medical treatments and exams, please make a donation

Thank you


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International Organization for Animal Protection
via Gian Battista Brocchi 11
I-20131 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 6427882
Fax: (+39) 02 99980650

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Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria Agency MILAN-BOCCHETTO
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy

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IBAN: IT52 M 05048 01604 0000000 18458

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