A dog rescued with a cut off paw – OIPA Italy volunteers in Alcamo, Trapani, rescued a young puppy named Green who was found in a state of extreme suffering. His hind leg was cut-off and almost completely skinned, with bone and flesh exposed. The extent of his wounds suggests he may have been caught in a cruel trap set for wild animals, foxes or wild boars. This traumatic event is a stark reminder of the barbaric practice of poaching and the suffering it inflicts on countless animals.

Unfortunately, to prevent the risk of sepsis in the severed leg, amputation was unavoidable. Thankfully, the surgery was successful, and upon waking from anesthesia, Green was already able to take his first steps, managing to stand on his three remaining legs.

Despite now being a tripod dog, Green is completely self-sufficient. Once his recovery is complete, he will be able to walk and run just like any other dog. Full of life and with an irresistible little face, Green is only one year old.

Let’s help him recover from his traumatic experience, make his beautiful green eyes shine, and help him find a loving family to spend the rest of his life with.

Together, we can offer a bright future to this sweet and courageous little dog, who undoubtedly has a difficult past behind him, but who has shown remarkable strength in facing pain and overcoming his fears.

You can help Green by making a donation to cover the costs of his veterinary care.




Write as note “OIPA ITALY” and add the exact amount

Account Holder:
OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali

Bank details:
IBAN: IT93I0306909620100000002326​
Bank Account Number: 100000002326

Bank’s Name and Address:
Intesa San Paolo
VIA BOCCHETTO, 13 – 20123 Milan – Italy