OIPA International is one of the signing organization of the letter sent by the Wildlife Animal Protection Forum South Africa (WAPFSA) – and supported by over 90 African and non-African organisations, politicians and experts from all over the world – asking the Mayor of Dortmund in Germany to suspend the sale of African endangered species at the largest trophy hunting sale fair in Europe “Jagd & Hund” which will be held on 24th of January.

The letter clearly expresses the point of view and perspective of many African organisations and community representatives who convey on the negative impacts of the commercialisation, advertisement and sale of trophy hunts of African endangered and protected species. A practise that should be banned and that poses a serious risk to the conservation of wild species.

More than 120,000 animals are killed in Africa every year by hunters. The EU is the second largest importer of hunting trophies from internationally protected species, behind the United States, and Germany is by far the greatest importer within the EU.



(photo credits: PETA GERMANY)