Team of OIPA animal control officers in Alessandria, Italy, has recently seized three puppies less than 1 month old kept inside a crumbling barn and put up for sale. A trade unearthed following the report of a woman who had replied to a sale ad posted on social media.

Thanks to the investigation carried out by our officers and the cooperation with another OIPA team in Pavia, puppies have been saved and both traders identified and sanctioned. The keeper of puppies has been accused of detention for trade purpose of unregistered dogs less than 60 days old and the keeper of puppies’ mother has been accused of trade and early removal of puppies from their mum.

Now, they are safe in a dog shelter and can be adopted as soon as they are at least two months old.

Social media and online platforms represent a widely accessible way for selling pets by unverified sources, particularly due to the limited regulation currently in place and the lack of control on both buyers and sellers.

We briefly remind you that buying pets online not only is unethical as ANIMALS ARE SENTIENT BEINGS and NOT OBJECTS WITH A PRICE, but it contributes to fuel the illegal pet trade market, and does increase the number of abandoned animals in shelters due to irresponsible purchases.

Do not fuel the illegal pet trade! How? It’s simple:

  • If you are thinking to welcome a new four-paw in your family, go to the nearest shelter, which is full of beautiful souls, and adopt!
  • If you read about suspected ads or posts on social media or online platforms; if you suspect about an illegal breeding facility or trafficker don’t hesitate to report it to animal control officers, competent authorities, associations or police.