Every year on 15 January, India celebrates Makar Sankranti, a Hindu observance and a festival, which marks the transition of the Sun from the zodiac sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn. The day is dedicated to the solar deity, Surya, and symbolized a new beginning. On this occasion, all over India many festivals are organised with traditional events such as colourful decorations everywhere, children going house to house singing and asking for treats, fairs, dances, kite flying, bonfires and feasts.

This year, the team of OIPA Maharashtra, PAWS-Mumbai and ACF India have proposed an awareness initiative under the theme “Celebrate Makar Sankranti without kite. Let birds enjoy the open sky”.

Every year during the festival hundreds of birds die or get seriously injured due to the use of manja (glass dust layered cotton thread) used for flying kites. Also after the festival, threads are usually discarded improperly, which are then carried by birds for building their nests. During this process, birds or their chicks get entangled in them and succumb to injuries.

A clear and concise “dos and don’ts” guide with tips and advices on how to behave during the celebration to safeguard birds and what to do to save their lives in case of emergency (Celebrate mkar Sankranti without Kite)


We thank you also our Awareness Content Producer in Maharashtra Mr. Vishal Sakhala who has launched a similar initiative.