OIPA has been officially appointed as an Observer of the World Federation for Animals (WFA).  The WFA is a membership organisation founded in 2020 as a result of national, regional, and international animal protection organisations’ decision to join forces and work together to represent the interests of animals in international policy fora.

Both accredited at the United Nations Environmental Programme, OIPA and WFA share the same vision, a world where animals are protected and animal welfare must assume a primary role at global level.

Recently, the United Nations has recognised the importance of animal welfare and its link to the environment and sustainable development adopting an historic resolution that clearly explains this nexus and refers explicitly to animal welfare. Additionally, the unified approach of ‘One Health’ introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) recognises that human health and the impact of human activity are closely linked to the healthiness of animals and the environment.

We congratulate with WFA for its tireless work to represent the interest of animals and the international animal protection movement, because all animals deserve to live free from suffering and exploitation.