Wildfires have spread quickly across the west part of the island following high temperatures, destroying 20,000 hectares of forest and forcing 1,500 people to be evacuated from their homes. The catastrophe has destroyed not only vegetation, millennial trees, homes and farms but has been a massacre for animals asphyxiated and trapped in flames. Regional authorities declared a “state of calamity”.
Volunteers of OIPA Italy in Oristano, a town placed just 10 km away from the village where the fire started, declared “We were extremely scared, the air was unbreathable, ash was falling everywhere even inside the homes. A spooky place, a true hell! Although we are used to fires, this time it was devastating.
Now… there is nothing left, there is no life, there is no soil, only the grey of ash, the eerie silence of the nature killed by the fury of fire. Carcasses of animals everywhere, animals injured and in serious need.
The local branch is gathering food for animals while the national headquarters of OIPA Italy has already sent 16 quintals of food for dogs and cats, which will also be distributed to other entities operating in the area, in support of strays and other animals in need.
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