Few days ago, a coalition of Swiss animal right associations have officially submitted two important initiatives calling for a national ban on fur imports“Yes to the ban on importing fur products from mistreated animals” and foie gras imports “Yes to the ban on importing foie gras” to the Swiss Federal Chancellery. Signatures collected have been 106,448 against fur imports and 116,140 against foie gras, both above the 100,000 threshold required to trigger a national vote.

Although the breeding and production of foie gras and fur have been banned in Switzerland for decades, the Country does still import in large quantities these two products contributing to inflict unimageable suffering on animals only to satisfy human fancies. Switzerland imports 350 tons of fur per year, half of which comes from China, a country sadly renowned for cruelty and abuse on animals, and 200 tons of foie gras.

The two initiatives were launched on June,28 2022 by Alliance Animale Suisse, a coalition that brings organizations Animal Trust, Wildtierschutz Schweiz and Animal équité together. During the campaign, AAS was able to count on considerable support from partner organizations such as ATRA – Diritti Animali, which is OIPA’s member league association.

We congratulate with ATRA, AAS and all those Swiss citizens who have spoken up for animals!