She was abandoned to her fate, sentenced to death, dumped and treated like garbage. Blind and suffering from ear and mammary tumour, a 12-year-old sweet dog called Iva was found roaming in a state of serious neglect.

Rescued and taken to the municipal shelter of Castelvetrano, a town in Sicily, where some of our volunteers work, Iva was visited by the internal vet department. Unfortunately dogs like her, senior and sick have no chance to receive proper care and treatment inside the facility.

OIPA volunteers couldn’t turn their back to the suffering of a little senior dog, probably never assisted, loved enough and abandoned when she needed more help and care. They decided to offer her an alternative: a temporary home where to spend peacefully her remaining time.

This sweetie is responding positively to the treatment. She loves her dog bed, she eats with appetite and despite the critical health condition, she does not want to give up at all.

Iva should undergo further health checks and examinations to understand better what can be done for all the problems she is suffering, but to do this she needs your help.

She has been betrayed already once, this time she deserves a chance!

You can help Iva with a donation (specify “Donation for Iva)


Do you remember Iva? Small senior dog abandoned when she needed more assistance, blind and with ear and mammary tumour, and rescued from a street of Sicily by OIPA Italy volunteers?

Look at her now! She sends you greetings from her new soft pillow where she loves resting and napping the whole day. Now Iva has a warm place where to feel protected and spend her golden years in full comfort. Thanks to your support and the loving attention of volunteers, she is now safe, loved and cuddled as all animals, especially in that age, should be.

We are so grateful for the support we receive from you all.  Your help is necessary to give hope to invisible dogs like IVA!